The Haiku Challenge II

Here's this week's haiku dabbling, as provoked by Suze:
'For the second week of Tiny Harmonies, grab the cat and start ruminating on adaptability. All haiku for week two will air Friday, 15 March… It's weird, last Friday as I read the offerings of participants, it was like having salt thrown on the tongue -- instead of satisfying, it left me thirsty for more.'

First I ruminated on the limits of adaptability:

Supple branch
Through solid trunk
Keeps root

Rotted at core
The supplest branch
Simply snaps

I don't much care for the second try, it seems too obvious: true, but obvious. The third try was more spontaneous and relaxed, so it turned out best, I think:

Sun shining
Into my boot tops
Pyjamas tuck

Also I am glad this is how I spent yesterday, for today it has mostly rained.


Suze said…
The second one, rather than ringing as obvious in my heart, made me a little sad.
angryparsnip said…
I rather like all three but the third is just wonderful.

cheers, parsnip
See, told ya. I'm "bock".

Very nice. I think I like the first one best. These haikus are kinda addictive, aren't they? I didn't think I liked them, and I certainly never wrote any before, but thanks to Suze, I may be hooked.
Lisa Southard said…
Thank you folks for your visits and comments- apologies for my late returns- life is busy!
Suze: there are many fallen trees in the woods near here, and for trees it is just part of the living process. They become a different habitat. They dream of the sky, contentedly.
Thank you Parsnip - when I wrote the third one I circled it and wrote 'Perfect' underneath. I had a snail named Parsnip; one of three. The other two were Turnip and Carrot.
Susan you are not the only one- distilled words- utterly brilliant :-)
Sultan said…
I think I like the first one best. It is very harmonious.
Anonymous said…
The last was the best. Snaps made me think of ginger snaps. But in a good way. Ok, hard to explain, but...~Mary
I'm with Laoch. I like the first one the best - very gentle.
Kerry said…
Everybody has their favorites, mine is the first one:) However the pyjamas in the boot tops is a wonderful little image, so maybe it's also my favorite.
Lisa Southard said…
Mr Laoch and Mr Squid: these choices reflect well on you, gentlemen.
Mary: ginger snaps is kind of brilliant. It brings out the absurdity, I think.
Kerry: Pyjamas in boots for me! :-)

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