Spring Into Action

19/3/22 Saturday Drive to work, it’s so windy- my car wobbles like a loose tooth in the road’s crooked jaw. A buzzard flies, unintentionally, backward. We are back to hydrotherapy sessions on Saturday shifts- care client is happy like rainbows and bubbles- you can see it, it lifts you. Drive home under a moon that is first a copper penny, then a sepia peach, then I cannot decide the colour of it- if you held a candle lit glass of champagne in front of an old map, the kind with soft faded paper, and peered through the glass, those are the colours of this moon. (It doesn’t have to be champagne. Try also cider, cava, lambrini, fizzy lager, ginger beer- follow your heart.) 20/3/22 Sunday, Spring Equinox Mr has gone to Malmesbury (for the black belt pre-grading) so I wake alone but not lonely- the pigeons are loudly present, and the crows, and the hedge sparrows. I wake early so I sit in bed with my coffee and get some writing done. At work, take a walk: two hilly miles there and back...