The Tough Trough Tragedy: Halloween 2015

I knew that there was something wrong. Why do we do that? We know that something is wrong but don’t want to seem silly and somehow that is more important. We do things even when there is a voice in our head shouting not to do it: fear of looking foolish overrides self preservation. I never knew till then just how strong that desire to fit in was. I am not what other people would call conventional. Got purple hair, a half sleeve tattoo of skulls and mermaids, a pierced lip. Did I listen when people said not to dye my hair or get inked or pierced? Clearly not. Did I listen when my instincts told me something was horribly wrong here? Clearly not. I was lucky, in a way. I survived, anyway. But the others didn’t and that is impossible to forget. I’m here, alive, but I’m stuck with those images for life. I lost one finger and my peace of mind. I suppose you want to hear about it. Everyone does, like it was something awesome that happened. It was different; I u...