
Potentially edgy, I thought, on first reading today's random word, though Fowler's is concerned with the noun signifying a clamp (vise, in American English, this word coming from the Latin for 'vine') and the titular application, as in vice admiral (meaning next in line or in place of. This word from the Latin for 'change.') But the idea was to take the word as a starting point: was it? I forget my own purpose, here, and stare out of the window.
Daydreaming like most habits can be considered as a positive behaviour or as a vice (the naughty kind, which word stems from the Latin for 'fault.') It is a matter of perception and balance. Cake, for example, and let's make it a big creamy chocolate stack, is not packed with nutritional necessities. A lot of it will cause you harm. A little (or enormous) slice now and then, however, is a reminder to have fun in your life. If you get the balance wrong, your health suffers. It would be sensible to rethink your behaviour at this point. Wisest and most pertinent: if your behaviour detrimentally affects others, you need to change it, or them (preferably by kindly debate.)
So, the fault does not always lie with the act, it can be rooted more in lack of action. Beautiful view, from my window, here, but I had better walk my dog. And, later, perhaps I'll bake a cake.

In foreground: lime tree, needs potting.
Background: Dog, bored.


Jo said…
A notable example of confusing English words, the double meanings of vice.

Hope the dog enjoyed the walk.
Geo. said…
Vise,vice. We Americans are shorted by a homonym. This means UK gets to enjoy one more vice than we do.
Lisa Southard said…
Thank you Jo- Dog loved her walk lots :-)

Geo, simply learn some British English and dive on in! It would be impolite of us not to share :-)

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