Approaching the A-Z, Uncertainly

Fabulous mug found via Pinterest:

In April a chunk of the blog-populace play a game called the A-Z Challenge. Everyday but not Sundays we write posts that follow the alphabet: a 26 day commitment. Some prepare in advance and I am in the other group. All groups do their best to visit and engage with as many other bloggers as is feasible. This year although I cannot commit to a topic- it's just not how I like to work- I have decided that my game rules are to open a dictionary to the relevant letter, close my eyes and point. Those words will be the title and starting point for each of the alphabet days. That should be just enough structure to keep the task in hand and not let it smother me. The right kind of uncertainty.
Although, what happens if I pick a naughty word?
(Laughs first, thinks second.)
(Thinks again as though checking a sum.)
I shall daintily misspell it, not because I fear to offend but because I prefer not to offend by accident. I should rather cause deliberate exasperation and I should rather that my doing so had the weight of being rarely invoked. Please be assured that my personal lexicon is amply stocked with profundity; as a child I lived a while adjacent to Falmouth Docks. There's not much shock you can offer my ears. I don't shy from appropriate usage in other writing, as (apprehensive, eager, paroxysmal) many of you will find out when The Novel is finished.

Words from JK Rowling, image found on


Oh, I love the dictionary approach! Good strategy! Thank you for looking up my blog via A to Z. I'll be posting my "A" piece shortly.

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