
Thoughts on: how to be comfortable and not get stale.
Which is not yet a problem: I'm actively pre empting.
Like everything, it bubbles in the pot, sputters down to attitude.
I am rich. I have always been rich, in experience, in appreciation. Actual material wealth seems tacky by comparison. Just enough to get by keeps you sparkling.
Think: what can getting by include? A house, some land, a campervan?
What I would say to someone else: Yes. Because it all fits in the pot of thoughts and it sputters just the same.
What I remind myself: Yes. Because you hold a link between want and invention and yet once you held a cigarette that gave you powers of calm, remember, and when the very last one was stubbed out, idiot, the calm was stood just as quiet and lovely.
If you are good inside you are good in any tax bracket.
Will it hurt anyone if I rake up a heap of gold? No. Because it all fits in the pot of thoughts.


Suze said…
This made my eyes sting with tears. Everything about you is real and lovely, Lisa.
Lisa Southard said…
Also rich in being appreciated: how did I miss that off the list! And as the school kids say: 'Takes one to know one.' :-) xx

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