X: Kyocha Sogi

The Wishbone Alphabet – an experiment, of course, with attitude, life and the eponymous soup.

I haven’t written much about my martial art on this blog, not for a shortness of zeal or an absence of the obsession which if you are or you know a martial artist will be excruciatingly familiar. If you do know: I practice pre-ITF Tae Kwon Do, as espoused by Major General Hoi Hung Hi’s 1983 manual. And if you don’t, don’t worry, I am not completely oblivious to the glazed eyes, there will only be a short technical description, followed by an observation of equal brevity.

Kyocha Sogi, or in English, X stance
Cross one foot over or behind the other, touching the ground slightly with the ball of the foot. Body weight rests on the stationary foot. It’s a short stance, the feet being placed close, under the body.

There is something irrepressibly funky about this stance.
Baby uses it whilst tackling her toy box, which suggests a fundamentally instinctive human source for it. One leg supports the other, caring, nonchalant, useful.
I like the way this stance makes a link between supportive and combative instinct. It suggests both the simplicity and the complexity of human development. 


Teresa Cypher said…
Neat! No glazed eyes, here. I knew nothing about the "X stance" :-) Thanks :-)
Tara Tyler said…
i like it! you probably couldve introduced an alphabet of stances and moves!

love that Baby does it without thinking!
Lynn Proctor said…
so cool--xcellent post!
I study Tai Chi and my teacher often refers to things children do quite naturally that adults have to re-learn if they want to do Tai Chi well.

Found you through the a - z and am following you now. :)
Suze said…
'Baby uses it whilst tackling her toy box, which suggests a fundamentally instinctive human source for it. One leg supports the other, caring, nonchalant, useful.
I like the way this stance makes a link between supportive and combative instinct. It suggests both the simplicity and the complexity of human development.'

I'm not going to add my own words because there's a deep silliness in that. You've already said what needs to be said.

I love your blog, Lily Tequila.
Lisa Southard said…
:-) Thank you :-)

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