How Language Starts

Here is something I jotted down yesterday:
It’s 22:59 hours into the day. I have travelled only from home to Baby’s house, back to home, and one return journey to Plymouth. The sofa holds me in a comfortable scoop, while fire blazes in the wood burner. A faint crusted badge of Baby sick adorns my jumper. Her best trick today was dragging a flannel from the clothes airer to slap my face in a vigorous replication of the act of washing. Also, we have danced, so, whatever else has happened, the day has not been wasted. Baby babbles in sound, we don’t yet share a spoken language. When she is tired she rests on my lap, head lolling into the curve of my shoulder. A bubble of sick pops out. ‘Uh-oh,’ she smirks, eyes closing. 


Mary Aalgaard said…
Oh, sweet baby images. I think of language and how we can communicate without words.

Play off the Page
MOV said…
Hello Lily,

Great post, I think I just found my new favorite blog. Love the way you write!

I discovered your site through the A to Z Challenge and am now a follower, but not in a stalker-ish way with binoculars and night vision goggles or anything like that ….

Feel free to take a peek at my blog too if you have time. I am writing with a travel theme:

Lisa Southard said…
Thank you MOV, happy to entertain- I have visited both of your blogs, they are both brilliantly witty and well written, so I decided to follow both, also without night vision goggles (although they would be useful when playing the tooth fairy I think!) :-)

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