A-Z Challenge Reflections: a quickie post!

Taking this challenge has helped consolidate what I have to say and how I want to convey it. I write everyday so the routine wasn’t too arduous but there is something about making the public commitment that makes you stretch a bit further, faster, stronger. 

Thank you to everyone who has been part of process, it has been a positive experience and although I now, in all honesty, do follow more blogs than I have time to read, connections have been made and I hope to maintain some level of online sociability. In short: grateful for the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised. 

Hmm... what to write next? 


Congrats for making it the distance. Nice job!
Love your shoes...I am a flipflop fanatic and yes I can see those are sandles, but they are so cute!
Stephanie V said…
Yup, we always follow more than we can read. I visit when I can and I expect that's what everyone does.

I have enjoyed meeting you, reading your posts and appreciate your comments when you drop by mine.
Lynn Proctor said…
it's been so nice to read your blog--hope to stay in touch!
Suze said…
Is that you in the pic?!
Gossip_Grl said…
Boy isn't that the truth and Congrats you did it :)
Lisa Southard said…
Thank you all lovely lovely people! Those are my feet in my sandals but the adorable Girl sat typing is my daughter, aged 2, doing an impression of me. She is now 22 and still hilarious. We got 99 problems but a chuckle ain't one! :-)
Teresa Cypher said…
Sweet post, Lily! Kudos for seeing the challenge through to the end! :-)
Martha said…
We did it! Congrats :)
M Pax said…
We meet here at the end. I hope to stay connected. Your daughter is so darling at the typewriter.
Lisa Southard said…
Congrats all round! I didn't actually open a bottle, but I felt like i could hear lots of corks popping! :-)

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