L: Lead Weight to Light Heart, via A Log Cabin

Tired, caught out. Topics for L lie in a list, crossed out. I know I can write about ladles, for example; they are shiny and silver and good for soup; but being tired….  I never admit to writer’s block. Then I remembered this little bespoke project:


Suze said…
It had to be the magic pooch.
Denise Covey said…
Hi there! I came across when I saw your catchy name on another blog. This is a hugely creative post for L. Clever you! I love the 'Oops!'

Jaime said…
This is a really cute story.
Stephanie V said…
Fun! My middle granddaughter would love this story. Thanks!
Lisa Southard said…
Children get the fun of things quickly, so although I don't intend to be a children's writer, I really enjoy creating these stories. It's like a sugar fix when you're flagging, or the nostalgic pleasure of Christmas lights.
Laura Clipson said…
Great story! I wish my dog would do things like that for me! :)
Teresa Cypher said…
I love elves! There are so many kinds I wish would visit. And my dog? He won't build anything...or clean anything...lol...

Lovely post! You have such talent...seems you can peek through the eyes of a child.

I have begun to feel optimistic--we are nearly halfway there :-) See you tomorrow, Lily! :-)
Golden Eagle said…
That's a sweet story! :)

The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

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