Morning Vignette

Rain falls in blue grey thick twists. It falls so loud there are no other sounds.
The water-ropes fray, let loose the gold sun, the birdsong. One tractor rolls, sprays mud.
It had rained all night. Drop-thud on the lean-to roof was our lullaby.
Clouds smudge the sun to a silver light.
Cold invokes weariness.
Steam from a kettle, smell of coffee brewing.
Pressing hands around warm mugs.
Rain falls in blue grey thick twists. It falls so loud there are no other sounds.


The Cranky said…
Drop-thud in the moisty morning; perfect reason to return to a snug bed, coffee and newspaper in hand.
Dixie@dcrelief said…
Ooh, I could feel that rain and mood.
Geo. said…
Sometimes there is a universal quality in the weather over you. I'm almost ready to believe our minds begin some distance from our actual bodies.
Lisa Southard said…
Dog disagrees but I see your point :-)
Lisa Southard said…
Hooray for temperate climes :-)
Lisa Southard said…
'Head in the clouds' as they say; I always took that as a compliment :-)

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