Colourful Fish In The Green-Field Aquarium

Getting up too early and bravely doing the washing up has the distinct advantage of allowing the mid morning slump to be thoroughly exploited. Both Mr and me get fidgety though, we like doing stuff best of all. I love aquariums. Fish are always doing stuff, and they mostly look relaxed. 

Since reluctant waking broke me
From my agreeable bed, a lengthy time
Has lapsed, seems like it’s not lazy to snooze
Here in the shade of this blaze, it’s earned

Kicked back to full recline
I do not slide all the way into sleep
My eyes rest. I hear dog panting
From the shelter of the pallet table

Mr talks to the cat; he gets bored
Being prone. He takes his rest pottering
About, looking things over, checking if
He should water the tub plants, indecisive

It transpires that the hosepipe is handy
Mr will bring a shower to the tub flowers
And the damp earth will smell
Delicious to me, like a forest floor

I am averse but restless
To unpack myself from this
Webbed chair-bed, fabric print
On my bared legs itches

Back to the field, with the barrow
And the chainsaw, sweat-damp
Floaty in the haze, everything has
A little illusiveness to it

Sun fire makes a shimmer that
Somehow has this scene looking
As though we are all underwater
Leaves move in breezes like seaweed

We are colourful fish in the squared
Green-field aquarium, caught in the day’s
Delirium, dog zips like a tetra, we are
More languorous, smoothly moving

Enjoying the press of the humidity
We choose a branch that hangs low over
The buckled roof of the old sheep-shelter
Park up the wheelbarrow

We pause to plot, to pick out
The best angle for cleaving branch 
From tree, which spot to stack new logs
Where to stock up the slim kindling twigs 


Lisa Southard said…
My 50th post! Calls for a glass of wine! Apple and Damson 2011, a light red, fruity and crisp and refreshing.
Kwickix said…
Ha, I remember this day well
Lisa Southard said…
I've updated the pictures with some old illustrations but have kept the little fat fish (from Blackpool Tower Aquarium)

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