Beyond The Perfect Blue

Unexpected sunshine and the choice to go outside, and the windows open and fresh warm air circulating, I probably don't have to explain this section of my happy day. 
Up to 400 verses in this experiment now, only 600 more noteworthy moments to find. Meanwhile, the habit of noticing things is becoming indelible and I'm digging up old diaries to find and share the formula/attitude/secret of appreciating life as it's happening and not living in a limbo of nostalgia and longing for change. Easy to say, but how is it that I can do it?  

Unseasonal strength of sunshine
Surprises everyone. A heat flourish
Enchants water from the dirt, shimmer
Of evaporation fuzzes over horizon lines

The sun takes centre sky, sets about
Changing the scene, fixes a different
Mood for the morning, from the
Insular rain to the sprawl of ultraviolet

Indoors I lift each window latch in turn
Push the glass open and feel the breeze
Rush in like a child bursting with news
Blowing the wood-soot, chasing stale air

Vegetables keep cool in the fridge
Poised for dinner. Meanwhile I will
Attend to the long list of outdoors jobs
First, to deduce which task has precedence

As we assemble work tools
Birds are raiding the buddleia seeds
Cat lazes on the table, stuffed
With mouse-meat and biscuit

Several crows crowd a looping buzzard
And break its patience. One less pestering
Crow in the world now; the rest disperse
Buzzard circles in satisfactory peace

Dog gets happy as soon as we put boots on
Boots for outdoors, that happiest of places
She paces to the field gate to remind us
This is the way, the path to follow

The wheelbarrow is waiting, holding
One billhook, one roll of string
We admire it as the kettle steams
And the tea brews in a leopard print pot

The day is coming up beautiful
Right in front of us, shining
We can reach our hands out
Feel the warmth in our palms

Like we had described
Our perfect blue
And the sky had gone
One blue further


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