A Night Drive

When I click the beams full, my car has the eyes of a giant.
The road and the night are one colour.

I follow a line of stars homeward.

All the sky is stars: a maze of lights: the eyes of my car gape.
How simple it would be to amble up, meander, squint-bleary, marvel time away.

How would we find our way back?
I don’t know.
I think we would be laughing too much, but then find a bean stalk, helter-skelter, plonk, back on the driveway.
Find a pot of gold in the footwell.


Geo. said…
"A pot of gold in the footwell", I perceive the real treasure is the owner of the feet. Striking photo, but a bit alarming to this American (right-side drivers).
Dixie@dcrelief said…
Pot of gold would be nice too.
Cherdo said…
Nooooo....don't follow the stars! They don't follow the road!! I need you to keep posting and a crash will interfere.
Lisa Southard said…
Ha- I had forgotten about the right side driving! I am not good at differentiating left and right so I simply follow the 'driver should be nearer the middle' rule. Makes foreign driving problematic :-/
Thank you for making me precious :-)
Lisa Southard said…
Certainly nicer than the reality of the footwell- it's a bin with no liner! I call it 'homely' which is a word being dragged from the original meaning 'place where people can relax' to 'place where people fear to sit.'
Lisa Southard said…
Noooo worries Cherdo- the stars were road markers (we call them 'cats eyes' and I think this is universal but have not checked- don't want you thinking I am out driving over cats!)

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